If you are interested in integrating CHEESE into one of your workflows in a programmatic way, we provide you with the CHEESE API. The API consists now of the principal molecular search service.
The CHEESE API URL is the following :
CHEESE API contains several useful API calls for registered users.
Public API calls : intended for registered users in the publicly available CHEESE Search. These calls contains basic features which enable to search the available databases as well as to predict ADMET properties on query molecules.
On-prem API calls : intended for users who are interested in integrating the CHEESE pipeline on their premises (on-prem). These calls enable advanced features such as embedding computation using CHEESE models, accessing the clusters, similarity computation… For more information about on-prem setting please visit
More details about each API call can be found in the Swagger UI for the CHEESE API : The Swagger UI can also enable you to use the API call even without any programming experience.
For registered CHEESE Search users, CHEESE API calls can only be accessed through an API key that you can get from the CHEESE Search webpage.
How to get the API key?
- Go to the CHEESE webpage
- Sign in with your account.
You should see a button to generate the API key in the top right corner
Copy the API key and use it to call the API.
Examples of using CHEESE API
We will provide some examples to call the CHEESE API using various platforms (Swagger, Python, cURL…). Below are examples of the /molsearch GET request which is the main molecular search service in CHEESE. In this service, you can supply a query molecule, the number of neighbors to retrieve, the search type and quality, and you'll get a JSON object containing the resulting molecules together with their descriptors, predicted properties and Morgan Tanimoto similarities.
Swagger UI
Step 1 : Enter your API key here
Step 2 : Configure your search parameters (query, search_type ....)
Step 3 : Click Try it out and Execute